Thursday, September 27, 2012

Treasure Hunt, Part 1

I have not posted in a while because there is just a flurry of work going on.  For a while things were quite slow.  Then all of a sudden thing took off.  They finished up the structural work, they started the HVAC, and they finally got the electrical started.  There are lots of surprises and changes going on. But before we dive into those pieces, I thought that I would share some of the cool finds so far from the house.

First thing that we discovered was a well.  This isn't just some little wishing well where you drop and penny in and see the bottom.  This is a 30ft + deep well with water still in it.  The walls of the well are fully lined with brick.  It is quite the structural feat.  But is is really really scary for a mother of a curious nine month old.  I know that she is not strong enough to lift the steel plate that covers it over, but as a child of the 80's, visions of Baby Jessica flashed through my head when this well was discovered.  Then to make matters worse my husband brings up a reference to the movie, The Ring.  Great.

The well itself was on the architectural drawings that we got from the previous owner.  But since the above ground piece is really not there anymore we did not pay attention.  Our HVAC guy, who also digs for glass bottles as a hobby pointed it out to us.  Today the guys on site lifted the heavy metal plate so I could see inside.  Whoa momma!  Can you see the bottom?  Because I sure can't!  I am not sure what we will be doing with this find yet.

The next find wasn't so scary at all.  As I mentioned, our HVAC guy digs for bottles as a hobby.  He asked to dig on our property and look for a privy, which usually turns up the best finds.  He never found the privy, since more than likely our garage was built on top of it,  but he did find a Coca Cola bottle from the 50's or 60's in our crawl space.  The thing that makes this find cool is that it was made in the Wilmington, DE where our home is.  It is in great condition.  

I have a few more treasures that were recently discovered that I will share shortly.  

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